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Simulation of crisis situations

Use virtual reality to simulate crisis situations, allowing people to fully experience the situation and learn the correct response.

     People are fully aware of the potential dangers

      Simulate sudden and dangerous situations

      Higher likelihood of the right response in a real emergency

Accidents at work

What is it like to be hit by a forklift, for example, when the rules are not followed? Thanks to VR, this can be fully simulated.

Stress and pressure

Under pressure there is a much higher chance of errors, let’s simulate these situations on your process.

Emergency situations

How to behave in case of fire and evacuate quickly? Let’s run a simulation that every employee can experience.

I want training to simulate crisis situations

It's very simple. Just take the first step and we will help you with everything.

High resolution
Standalone (up to 5h battery life)
Speaker and microphone
Low weight
3.5mm headphone jack
Can also be used by people with dioptric glasses
Interactive motion sensing controllers

Contact and consultation of the project

We will find out your intention and together we will find the best possible point for the first pilot project.

Defining the project

Once we know everything about your intention and situation, we can recommend the ideal form of the first pilot project.

Creation and delivery

We'll plan the creation and integration of each technology in detail so that you can have your VR training up and running as soon as possible.
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