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Training annotation

Properly motivated and healthy employees are an indispensable component of a functioning and prosperous company.

You’ll get specific guidance and tools to effectively motivate yourself and your subordinates.


Course length


Individual parts

Training in VR is completely different from traditional training. Participants perceive significantly more information and are fully concentrated, so we have adapted the length and content of the training for VR.

Learn more about VR technology

Training objectives

  • learn about theories of work motivation
  • incentives for motivation based on human needs
  • improving the ability to identify the needs of the audience
  • how to align the interests of the group and the individual
  • learn how to motivate people
  • management strategies for increasing employee motivation
  • acquire the tools to increase the performance of your staff

Thanks to VR technology, you literally experience your entire training, which is exponentially more effective than traditional training methods.

Training content

  • motivation in learning and work as a process
  • theories of work motivation
  • factors influencing motivation in the learning and work process
  • motivational process
  • drives – motives
  • extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
  • stimulation x motivation
  • how best to evaluate subordinates
  • how to conduct appraisal interviews
  • identifying the most common demotivators
  • finding out what we can actually do
  • demotivation, leadership, inspiration
  • setting personal visions
  • self-diagnosis of one’s motivational skills

The training is specially designed for VR, so its duration is 110 minutes, but the informational value that the participant takes away is equivalent to an average of 8 hours of traditional training.

Lecturer – Mgr. Pavel Pavlas

I have been training small, medium and large companies for over 20 years. Doing virtual reality training was a real challenge for me because I had to throw away everything I knew and start from scratch.

The result is a unique concept of training in VR so that the user feels comfortable and at the same time maximum information value is conveyed to the user. The main advantage of VR is that the trainee perceives many times more information, therefore the training can be up to 8 times shorter than a traditional classroom training.