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The new concept of virtual reality training is completely different from training as we all know it.

Currently, the classic training in companies goes something like this:

  • You book a trainer for a given date.
  • You let your employees know when the training is taking place.
  • Then on D-day, the training takes a minimum of 8 hours, which includes two coffee breaks and, of course, a lunch break.

This style of training is not only unnecessarily expensive for the company in terms of the trainer and catering but also in terms of the time required from all your employees.

Employee training is very expensive but necessary for the success of the company in the marketplace. However, with new technologies, costs can be minimized and training can be made more effective.

Development of education in companies

The drive for innovation in the world of training is something we are already seeing in the marketplace. Presentations and assignments done in an online environment are often cited as less expensive and „groundbreaking“.

This type of e-learning is somewhat impractical in terms of:

  • Attention
  • real transfer to practice
  • experiencing the training

These are the main points that virtual reality training brings, and much more strongly than you might think.

We see modern virtual reality training as the pinnacle of current VR technology. Standard VR Education training is as follows.

  • You order our training, which comes with Oculus Go virtual goggles and user manuals.
  • When you receive the goggles, you’ll do an initial registration, go through a light setup of the goggles and controller, and open the VR Education app.
  • In the app, you can then select the block you ordered.

A real virtual reality training experience

Each block is divided into parts and lasts ~60 minutes in total. We have adapted the duration of the training to the needs of virtual reality as much as possible.

If you think we can’t replace an 8-hour training session in an hour, know that we can. So well, in fact, that you won’t forget this session.

Not only are the instructors in our training very specific in terms of examples, recommendations, and exercises, but the overall virtual reality environment will simply blow you away.

During the training, you will find several different spaces in which the training takes place. Thus, we are able to transport you to different locations not only on the planet, but also throughout the universe..

In addition to situational aids, we also use:

  • Special effects,
  • Video, pictures and presentations,
  • 3D objects,
  • Scenes with actors,
  • Sophisticated, interactive elements.

Education in VR is inevitable

Thanks to the portability of virtual glasses, you can effectively train your entire company.

The use of VR goggles brings with it the advantage of lower costs, greater efficiency in information intake and a greater experience for the training actor.

Employees will have the unique opportunity to not only experience virtual reality, but to experience the training with all their senses and absorb information from the training far more effectively than from the traditional one.

The virtual glasses environment does not allow the trainee to be on the mobile phone, looking out of the window, or simply not concentrating. Your attention is almost 100% on the training and the trainer.

The very first block we are preparing will be Communication. This block will continue to be divided into 4 sub-sections:

  • General Communication Principles.
  • Information Transfer.
  • Praise and Welcome.
  • Feedback.

We are now working hard to deliver the other blocks and topics that are necessary in daily, professional and personal life. I’m sure HR people and top managers know how hard it is to motivate, train and then lead a new employee. We’re here to help you along the way.