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Remote service

Save time in communication or potential travel costs for urgent machine servicing. Thanks to smart AR glasses, service is possible immediately and from anywhere in the world.

    Real-time remote communication using AR glasses

    Maximally efficient remote service

    Savings in time and costs associated with traveling service technicians

Remote service

Take your service to the Industry 4.0 level with smart AR glasses.

Full interactive training

Interactive AR training that gives the user immediate feedback and navigation to the next steps.

Inspection and detection

With AR, you can have any object or real-world elements completely digitally inspected.

I want remote service

It's very simple. Just take the first step and we will help you with everything.

Vysoké rozlišení
Standalone (výdrž až 5h na baterii)
Reproduktor a mikrofon
Nízká váha
3,5mm jack pro sluchátka
Mohou používat i lidé s dioptrickými brýlemi
Interaktivní ovladače pro snímání pohybu

Contact and consultation of the project

We will find out your intention and together we will find the best possible point for the first pilot project.

Project definition

Once we know everything about your intention and situation, we can recommend the ideal form of the first pilot project.

Creation and delivery

We'll plan the creation and integration of each technology in detail so that you can have your VR training up and running as soon as possible.
Get a VR showcase