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Training annotation

Stress management

Stress as a trigger for 80% of health problems is a very underestimated variable. With the „help“ of stress, we cannot cope with stressful situations as we would like to.

The ability to manage stress through various techniques is a basic condition for a happy and successful life.

Time management

Overloaded schedules too often become a source of stress and conflict.

Effective time management is a key issue for most busy people.


Course length


Individual parts

Training in VR is completely different from traditional training. Participants perceive significantly more information and are fully concentrated, so we have adapted the length and content of the training for VR.

Learn more about VR technology

Stress management

Training objectives

  • to pause, to realize, to reflect on yourself, your values,
  • realise the consequences of your actions and behaviour,
  • find your own way of relaxing and resting,
  • less fatigue and more performance,
  • rapid regeneration of the body,
  • find new inspirations,
  • avoid burnout syndrome.

Training content

  • what stress is, what stress does to us,
  • stressors in relationships – communication,
  • positive and negative stress – eustress and distress,
  • defences against stress,
  • fitness,
  • stressful situations – social isolation,
  • psychological response to stress, physiological response to stress,
  • biorhythm, fatigue, relaxation,
  • the self and the organisation of one’s own life.

Time management

Training objectives

  • A new perspective and practical guide to more effective time management in work and personal life,
  • to shorten your working day with good time management,
  • minimize stress resulting from overwork and lack of time,
  • feel calmer and more balanced,
  • have more time for the things you consider important and essential.

Training content

  • factors to be taken into account when planning,
  • efficient organisation of the working day,
  • self-management,
  • a description of the principles of time use, what takes people’s time,
  • coordinating schedules with colleagues and subordinates,
  • a workable combination of work, family and leisure activities,
  • principles of planning a manageable schedule,
  • weekly planning,
  • tips on where time can still be saved or how to deal with „time thieves“ ,
  • relieving time stress.

Lecturer – Mgr. Pavel Pavlas

I have been training small, medium and large companies for over 20 years. Doing virtual reality training was a real challenge for me because I had to throw away everything I knew and start from scratch.

The result is a unique concept of training in VR so that the user feels comfortable and at the same time maximum information value is conveyed to the user. The main advantage of VR is that the trainee perceives many times more information, therefore the training can be up to 8 times shorter than a traditional classroom training.