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Virtual reality has many uses for businesses and its adoption is increasing at a rapid pace. Businesses today are looking for something different and to find a competitive advantage and innovative solutions for their product or service.

Virtual reality not only has a competitive advantage, but also the ability to solve business processes more efficiently or bring a product closer to the customer in a way that was never possible before.

It’s important to remember that VR is entering a golden age and we are looking at the same adoption of VR technology within 10 years as the mobile phone did at the beginning of the millennium.

Businesses today have become accustomed to using Facebook or Instagram for marketing and communicating with customers. That’s something that wasn’t around 10, 15 years ago.

Times are always changing and technology is evolving What do you think will be the new tool in the form of Facebook in 5, 10 years?

At VR Education, we believe that it will be virtual reality that will give companies new, as yet unsuspected, opportunities to expand their business. A company that starts using virtual reality today can be humorously compared to having a website in 1998.

Virtual reality holds enormous potential for businesses.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of how virtual reality can be useful for businesses:

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Virtual tour

Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6

Development and research

Chapter 7

Event scaling

Chapter 8


Chapter 1


Education has been, is and will be the virtue of every business. VR training is a new way to train your employees efficiently, cheaply and in a new method that brings many advantages over traditional training.

Thus, VR training allows a company to train its employees in a scalable method and prepare them for critical situations that are difficult to simulate.

VR training can be thought of as corporate training for new employees, corporate „classic training“ or customized training that is more flexible in overall execution.

Thus, VR training can be aimed at both the top management of companies and ordinary workers, as well as specific professions such as doctor, soldier or photographer.

We have also included training under training, which is usually used for training critical situations that are not feasible in the real world or are very financially demanding.

VR surgery simulation demonstration

Chapter 2

Virtual tour

If you think of Google Street View as a virtual tour, you’re not completely off base, but it’s certainly not the main thing we want to talk about.

A virtual tour is best done with 360° video, which allows the participant to really immerse themselves in the video and experience it!

Thanks to 360° video, you are able to zoom in on places and situations that would be difficult to produce or impossible for the participant in real life.

Virtual tours are best used by museums, heritage sites or information centres, which can offer a sampling of the best that a given location has to offer.

A beautiful example is the virtual tour of St. Wenceslas Cathedral in Olomouc, which we have implemented.

A virtual tour is a great tool to allow people to be in the place you want them to be and show them exactly what they can experience.

Chapter 3


Experience the trip from the comfort of the travel agency branch

Virtual reality for businesses, or travel agencies, has huge potential.

Considering that we have a travel agency, it is very difficult for us to sell a tour just from a paper catalog.

However, if we put VR glasses on the client and they could actually see the hotel, see what the room looks like, the view of the sea or the mountains, and really get to know the location, it would be easier to sell, don’t you think?

Chapter 4


Just as companies must adapt to the move from brick-and-mortar stores to the online world, they must also be prepared for the transfer from the web to an interactive environment. What other environment to choose for this experience than VR?

Businesses are already interested in virtual reality, so you can buy a Tesla or other product and service in virtual reality, for example – with physical delivery in the real world, of course.

First Tesla purchase in a VR environment

VR gives us the opportunity to try out an object in VR without leaving the comfort of our own homes. Frankly, e-commerce is our dark horse and we expect it to boom in the coming years.

Big companies like Amazon and Apple are already toying with the idea of e-commerce in VR, and you can too!

We at VR Education believe that this is the future direction of sales and we are also planning to build our own showroom, which will not only feature our 360° productions but also interactive experiences for customers

Shopping in a VR environment

If you are interested in this segment and you are interested in implementing e-commerce in VR for your business, do not hesitate to contact us, and we will gladly discuss everything with you.

Chapter 5


If you’ve ever tried a VR game like Beat Saber or Golem VR, you’ll understand the word experience in conjunction with VR.

Golem VR demo

We can assure you, however, that we will definitely not stay with games. There are many variations of the VR experience. A VR/360° film where you play the main character and can interact with your surroundings and decide the fate of the entire film.

Film concept for VR

Arranging an adrenaline sport or VR concert of your favorite performer.

VR ride in F1

A 360° concert where you can be with your favorite artist a meter away sounds really tempting, don’t you think?

Video clip in VR

Last but not least, a VR experience can be targeted content for your clients or customers. Such a VR/360° video can represent your product, your company, and your story. With VR technology, you are able to show your customers and clients what traditional 2D video won’t allow you to.

Advertising video in VR is something completely new and allows you to let your imagination run wild and leave the viewer with a lasting experience and emotion.

The experience accompanies all concepts aimed at VR, but making them interactive, with a good scenario, and professional post-production, is more than difficult. But do not despair! VR Education is here to help you realize even the most virtual dreams and transform them into your story because that’s what it’s all about.

Chapter 6

Development and research

Virtual reality can also bring great benefits to a company in terms of product development and research. If you are a company that has a development department, you definitely spend a lot of time thinking about product design and implementation.

Virtual reality gives us the ability to bring everything into a three-dimensional environment, where you can see your new product and see if everything is to your liking before you send it to production.

Car design in VR

Chapter 7

Event scaling

Do you have a corporate event where you are introducing a new product? Are you thinking about how to get even more people to the event, but it’s not physically possible? Streaming to virtual reality can make that job easier.

Livestream událostí

In VR, you can host an event where thousands of people can participate without the need for physical layout or catering People from all over the world can be with you in one place, you can see each other, and you can hear each other.

In the future, we will see large events where new product models are showcased transform into VR where there are no limits, it’s greener and the event can get more traction.

Chapter 8

Conclusion - a new tool for customer communication

Virtual reality is another tool for companies to use effectively to communicate with customers. Technologically aggressive companies will be among the first to adapt to this new technology.

Efektivita školení ve virtuální realitě

Yes, we can also definitely say that the overall VR market here is not yet at a stage where customers have headsets at home and can consume the VR content you prepare for them.

But we’ve skipped the first stage, which requires you as a company to bring the VR headset to the customer. Maybe right in your showroom or store. It’s not until the second phase that people get used to the VR headset like they are used to the mobile phone these days.

In general, it can be said that really any company can use virtual reality technology in its business.

Tesla showroom

Virtual reality is just the first of many new technologies that are about to change our lives. Close behind VR is already augmented reality, mixed reality, hologram or volumetric video.

Each new technology shows us its use in a corporate environment. Virtual reality is a new opportunity for companies to start doing things differently, better, more efficiently and to define themselves ahead of the competition.

Give virtual reality a chance, and let’s work together to implement a new reality experience that will provide the innovative edge your company seeks.