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Data clearly show that the effectiveness of virtual reality training is many times more effective than traditional training methods.

It is not yet possible to precisely define how much more effective virtual reality training really is, as the technology is constantly evolving.

However, as evidence of greater effectiveness, we can look at ready-made case studies from the healthcare, engineering and military sectors, where clear benefits of virtual reality training have been identified.

The effectiveness of virtual reality training is growing thanks to the continuous development of VR technology

Over the last 2 years, VR headsets have become technically mature. The market is already standard i.e. standalone headset (standalone device without the need for an external PC or mobile), they last on battery for several throws and have a constantly higher resolution. The recently introduced Oculus Quest is proof of this.

This technical development logically enhances the user experience in VR. Everything is therefore more real and the brain trusts everyone even more.

Accurate data on the effectiveness of virtual reality training will only emerge in the years to come. We want to be part of this technological revolution and that’s why we are already delivering the first virtual reality training concepts.

The transition to VR education is inevitable

Not only is the effectiveness of virtual reality training higher than traditional methods, but the cost of VR training is minimal.

You can simulate any situation you can imagine and then play it back to your employees at any time


Virtual reality will certainly be a great benefit for the public sector such as police, firefighters, medicine or the military. In these sectors, crisis situations often require expensive real-life simulations involving actors, and training can at best be replicated in a boardroom setting using videos.

Thanks to VR technology, everything can be done at once and everyone can relive the crisis situation at any time.

We enable companies to learn effectively in VR

VR training can be used for all standard training such as effective communication, stress management or feedback. We will continuously expand our offer so that our VR Education app includes all the necessary training for the effective running of a company.

Efektivita školení ve virtuální realitě

Another use can be found by any company in the form of customized training. Thanks to this, a company can make its own training course for new employees in VR. The use is very wide.

The effectiveness of virtual reality training as a competitive advantage

Companies that start using VR technology for their training will gain a significant edge over their competitors.

Employees will be better trained, far better prepared for their jobs, and all at a lower economic cost of education compared to traditional training methods.